Core Drilling and Trenching
Core drilling is an important and integral procedural component in mineral exploration to ascertain the subsurface configuration of the ore body, bring out three dimensional model of the ore deposit, to know the reserve of blocks for ultimate exploitation, and arrive at the grade of the deposit.
Trenches are usually employed to expose steep dipping bedrock buried below shallow overburden, and are normally dug across the stick of the rocks or mineral zone being tasted. Trenches are an excellent adjunct tp drilling programmes, where the structural data from drill cuttings.
Because of expensive operation it has become the most critical phase of exploration. So APEX will done this phase with high accurate and make it cost- effective based on the following operations:
• Design trenches network and exploratory wells
• Design drilling network and the optimum drilling point by using geological information from previous assets
• Select the appropriate digger and drilling machine
• Supervision of exploratory drilling projects
• Logging Borehole
• Mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry Sampling
• Preparation of samples for laboratory studies
• Depth Matching and three-dimensional modeling
• Design trenches network and exploratory wells
• Design drilling network and the optimum drilling point by using geological information from previous assets
• Select the appropriate digger and drilling machine
• Supervision of exploratory drilling projects
• Logging Borehole
• Mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry Sampling
• Preparation of samples for laboratory studies
• Depth Matching and three-dimensional modeling